Method: ( 1) Preparation of animal model: The grown-up health SD rats mated 1:1 and observed vaginal plug at 8:00 in the morning, The day that vaginal plug was found was recorded as gestational age 0 day. 方法:(1)动物模型制备:成年健康雌雄大鼠1:1合笼配种,每日上午8:00观察配种结果,发现阴栓记为雌鼠怀孕0天。
See vaginal smears of keratinocytes and the vaginal plug to make the day of pregnancy. 观察阴道脱落细胞涂片及阴栓,来确定妊娠日。
Check the vaginal plug of females every morning; and the day that vaginal plug was checked was counted as the day 0 of pregnancy. 每日晨检查雌鼠阴道脱栓情况,检查到阴栓的当天计为雌鼠妊娠的第0天。